
Artikel mit Schlagwort Pflanzen



188 Produkte
Endemische Alpenpflanzen

Endemische Alpenpflanzen

In diesem Buch stellen die Autoren mehr als 500 Endemiten der Alpen vor. Auf etwa 750 Fotos wird jede Art mit einem Foto, bei einigen Arten zur besseren Unterscheidung mit einem zusätzlichen Detailfoto abgebildet.

€ 69,95
Vergeten toepassingen van planten

Vergeten toepassingen van planten

Dit boek brengt de vergeten toepassingen van zo’n 250 plantensoorten opnieuw in beeld

€ 39,90
The Genus Schefflera in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

The Genus Schefflera in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

This beautiful book describes 32 Schefflera taxa, including 29 species.

€ 75,50
Symbiosen in unseren Wiesen, Wäldern und Mooren

Symbiosen in unseren Wiesen, Wäldern und Mooren

45 Tipps dienen dazu, positive Beziehungen in Wiese und Wald zu finden und zu beobachten.

€ 43,95
Steinbachs Grosser Pflanzenführer

Steinbachs Grosser Pflanzenführer

Über 850 Pflanzenarten vom Gänseblümchen bis zur Eiche können Sie mit Steinbachs großem Pflanzenführer einfach und sicher bestimmen.

€ 15,84
Identify Common Tropical and Subtropical Ornamental Plants by Flower Colour

Identify Common Tropical and Subtropical Ornamental Plants by Flower Colour

This book is a practical, compact guide for the identification of common tropical and subtropical ornamental plants by flower colour.

€ 25,56


Dieses Hygrometer misst, ob und wie viel Wasser die Pflanzen benötigen.

€ 8,50
Grönland – Ein Kleiner Pflanzenführer

Grönland – Ein Kleiner Pflanzenführer

Die bunte Pflanzenwelt Grönlands! Die Arten der Tundra werden von den Verfassern vorgestellt, die Ökologie der Vegetation wird entlang eines Reisetagebuches von der westgrönländischen Küste kurzweilig erläutert.

€ 24,-
Timonius in Borneo

Timonius in Borneo

This monograph details what is known about Timonius in Borneo, a group in the extremely hyper-diverse coffee family Rubiaceae.

€ 199,-
An Altitudinal Study of the Flora of the Inland Mountains of South-East Greenland

An Altitudinal Study of the Flora of the Inland Mountains of South-East Greenland

The first of seventeen European mountaineering expeditions to the region in 1963 covered in this volume.

€ 41,86
Grundlagen der Feldbotanik

Grundlagen der Feldbotanik

Das Lehr- und Lernbuch für alle botanisch Interessierten – jetzt in 2., aktualisierter Auflage.

€ 59,90
Hybrid Flora of the British Isles

Hybrid Flora of the British Isles

Hybrid Flora of the British Isles provides detailed accounts of the 909 hybrids reliably recorded in the wild in the British Isles.

€ 66,10
Kew Pocketbooks: Carnivorous Plants

Kew Pocketbooks: Carnivorous Plants

A snapshot into the beautiful but deadly world of carnivorous plants, illustrated with 40 botanical paintings from the Kew archives.

€ 12,24
Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg

Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg

Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg features over 980 plant species from the common and 'showy' to the weird, obscure and often-overlooked.

€ 24,28
The Genus Roscoea

The Genus Roscoea

All twenty known species are described in detail - their structure, form, nomenclature, history, synonyms, habitat and distribution.

€ 70,04
A Key to Pacific Grasses

A Key to Pacific Grasses

Members of the grass family Poaceae are almost ubiquitous and are widespread across the Pacific and this detailed key provides a taxonomic reference of the grasses growing throughout this region.

€ 58,37
Fitschen Gehölzflora

Fitschen Gehölzflora

Fitschen Gehölzflora, herausgegeven von Peter A. Schmidt & Bernd Schulze. 13., vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage.

€ 39,95
Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Australia and New Guinea

Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Australia and New Guinea

Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Australia and New Guinea examines all known pitcher plants of these territories.

€ 18,84
Frustrating Flowers and Puzzling Plants

Frustrating Flowers and Puzzling Plants

This accessible guide is the perfect chance to get to grips with that challenging group you keep saving for 'next year' or for untangling a botanical mystery which keeps repeating itself.

€ 43,21
The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs

The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs

An absolute essential for any gardener interested in woody plants.

€ 24,93
The Beauty of the Flower

The Beauty of the Flower

Featuring superb and rare images, this book reveals the fascinating stories behind botanical illustration.

€ 31,18
The Endemic Plant Genera in Borneo

The Endemic Plant Genera in Borneo

This account presents 62 vascular plant genera, comprising 162 species, currently known only from Borneo, with photographs and maps of their distributions.

€ 74,46
Distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline

Distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline

It serves as a valuable working aid for the assessment of the environmental status and its changes on the basis of the occurring macrophytes.

€ 103,14
Kew Pocketbooks: Mexican Plants

Kew Pocketbooks: Mexican Plants

This pocketbook is a celebration of this impressive flora, and includes everything from stunning orchids, Mexican oregano, and cacti, to marigolds.

€ 13,61
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