
Artikel mit Schlagwort Zoogdieren





201 Produkte
Animals of the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Animals of the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Containing 146 stunning color photos, Animals of the Serengeti is a remarkable look at the mammals and reptiles most likely to be encountered in the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater.

€ 25,-
Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 2: Hoofed Mammals

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 2: Hoofed Mammals

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 2: Huftiere

€ 169,-
Sperm Whales

Sperm Whales

Now you can experience an intimate underwater journey to connect with these majestic and gentle goliaths.

€ 46,09
Pocket Guide to the Mammals of Costa Rica

Pocket Guide to the Mammals of Costa Rica

Pocket Guide to the Mammals of Costa Rica is the first guide to provide comprehensive coverage of every currently known mammal species found in Costa Rica.

€ 36,62
Mark Carwardine's Guide to Whale Watching in Britain and Europe

Mark Carwardine's Guide to Whale Watching in Britain and Europe

Whales, dolphins and porpoises are among the world's most mysterious and beautiful animals, and there are many opportunities to see them in the seas around Europe.

€ 17,87
Velleman Elektronische Fledermaus

Velleman Elektronische Fledermaus

Tauchen Sie mit diesem Lötsatz in Form einer Vampirfledermaus in die echte Halloween-Atmosphäre ein.

€ 12,50
Felids and Hyenas of the World

Felids and Hyenas of the World

This stunningly illustrated book is the most comprehensive and user-friendly guide to the world’s felids and their often misunderstood relative, the hyenas.

€ 29,50
Horses of the World

Horses of the World

Horses of the World is a beautiful comprehensive, large-format overview of 570 breeds of domestic and extant wild horses.

€ 39,50
Bats An Illustrated Guide to All Species

Bats An Illustrated Guide to All Species

Reich illustriertes Handbuch mit allen 300 bekannten Fledermäusen

€ 28,50
Handbook of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

Handbook of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

Handbook of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises covers all 90 species and all subspecies of the world.

€ 36,75
Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 8: Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 8: Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 8: Insektenfresser, Faultiere und Riesengleiter

€ 169,-
Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 7: Rodents II

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 7: Rodents II

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 7: Nagetiere II

€ 169,-
Der Biber

Der Biber

Der Biber stellt Lösungen und Maßnahmen für das Bibermanagement vor. Dadurch entsteht ein Leitfaden zum Umgang mit dem Biber – mit einem umfassenden Überblick über die Entwicklung seiner Verbreitung in Deutschland.

€ 37,74
Shrews and Moles of British Columbia

Shrews and Moles of British Columbia

Small and cryptic, shrews and moles represent some of the most obscure and least familiar of any British Columbian mammals.

€ 31,03
Mammals of China

Mammals of China

The comprehensive pocket guide to all of China's 558 mammal species

€ 28,50
The Secret Life of the Otter

The Secret Life of the Otter

In The Secret Life of the Otter Andy Howard opens their lives to us with a perfect combination of words and images.

€ 31,16
De hertenman

De hertenman

In De hertenman vertelt Geoffroy Delorme zijn fascinerende natuurverhaal over 7 jaar overleven in de wilde natuur en zijn liefde voor de herten.

€ 23,99
The Arctic Guide

The Arctic Guide

The Arctic Guide presents the traveler and naturalist with an authoritative, portable guide to the flora and fauna of Earth's northernmost region.

€ 27,50
Smithers' Mammals of Southern Africa

Smithers' Mammals of Southern Africa

Smithers' Mammals of Southern Africa - A Field Guide

€ 19,08
Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 4: Sea Mammals

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 4: Sea Mammals

Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 4: Meeressäugetiere

€ 169,-
Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

In this updated edition, award-winning author and whale researcher Erich Hoyt takes readers into the field for an intimate encounter with 93 species of cetaceans.

€ 37,42
Igel Futterschale

Igel Futterschale

Dieser Igel-Futternapf ist speziell für die Ergänzungsfütterung von Igeln konzipiert.

€ 4,50
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