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    Insects General


    96 Products


    This Very Short Introduction to Insects higlight the diverse and beautiful world of insects.

    € 11,26
    Insects - Their Natural History and Diversity

    Insects - Their Natural History and Diversity

    Insects - Their Natural History and Diversity - With a Photographic Guide to Insects of Eastern North America

    € 81,07
    Insects and Other Arthropods of Tropical America

    Insects and Other Arthropods of Tropical America

    An introduction to insects in tropical AmericaVisitors to tropical forests generally come to see the birds, mammals, and plants.

    € 44,49
    Insects and Their Benificial Microbes

    Insects and Their Benificial Microbes

    Insects and Their Beneficial Microbes is an authoritative and accessible synthesis of insect associations with beneficial microorganisms

    € 41,-
    Insects of Kazakhstan

    Insects of Kazakhstan

    Insects of Kazakhstan contains more than 1.000 photo-documented insect species.

    € 51,34
    Insects of Kruger

    Insects of Kruger

    Packed with colour photographs, this visual guide will appeal to anyone keen to identify and learn more about the Park's infinite variety of smaller inhabitants.

    € 13,74
    Insects of North America

    Insects of North America

    Insects of North America is the ultimate photographic field guide to North American insects.

    € 24,51
    Insekten im Wald

    Insekten im Wald

    Reiche Bebilderung mit 580 faszinierenden, teils großformatigen Farbfotos von rund 300 Insekten- und Spinnenarten

    € 49,95
    Insektensterben in Mitteleuropa

    Insektensterben in Mitteleuropa

    Erstmals bündelt dieses Buch alle Fakten zu den Ursachen des Insektensterbens und bezieht sie systematisch auf unsere Landschaftsräume.

    € 44,86
    Live Food

    Live Food

    Everything about keeping live food for your reptiles and amphibians.

    € 16,80
    Minigids Bos

    Minigids Bos

    Heerlijk vogels, zoogdieren, vlinders en paddenstoelen determineren met dit compacte minigidsje.

    € 7,95
    Naar een natuurrijke tuin

    Naar een natuurrijke tuin

    Een praktisch naslagwerk voor meer tuingenot en herstel van de biodiversiteit met meer dan 1000 kleurenfoto’s inheemse soorten planten en dieren in beeld.

    € 32,95
    Niet zonder elkaar

    Niet zonder elkaar

    Zonder insecten zouden vele bloemen simpelweg niet bestaan. Bloembestuiving is onmisbaar in de voortplanting van zeer veel bloemplanten.

    € 24,50


    Ob Läuse, Würmer, Flöhe oder Zecken - dieses Buch hilft dabei, Wissenslücken zu füllen und über seine 'Feinde' und deren Strategien Bescheid zu wissen.

    € 19,95
    Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers

    Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers

    Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers provides a unique source of permanent reference for all involved in the recognition, biology and control of the pests of ornamental crops.

    € 79,80
    Pocket Guide to the Insects of Costa Rica

    Pocket Guide to the Insects of Costa Rica

    This photographic field guide offers an introduction to Costa Rica's riotous insect biodiversity.

    € 31,39


    Pollination - The Enduring Relationship between Plant and Pollinator

    € 29,42
    Pollinators & Pollination

    Pollinators & Pollination

    Pollinators & Pollination offers a comprehensive introduction to the critical ecological role of pollinators.

    € 31,60
    Pollinators in Crisis

    Pollinators in Crisis

    Pollinators in Crisis is a book is about flowers, their pollinators and the pollination crisis that is affecting Britain and elsewhere.

    € 32,25
    Pollinators, Predators & Parasites

    Pollinators, Predators & Parasites

    This lavishly illustrated and highly authoritative book is structured around southern Africa’s 13 distinct biomes.

    € 30,64
    Sex in City Plants, Animals, Fungi and More

    Sex in City Plants, Animals, Fungi and More

    A Guide to Reproductive Diversity

    € 26,98
    Specimen-making and Preservation of Invertebrates

    Specimen-making and Preservation of Invertebrates

    This new guide to the preservation of invertebrates offers a wealth of exciting ideas and methods.

    € 16,80
    Struik Pocket Guide: Insects of East Africa

    Struik Pocket Guide: Insects of East Africa

    Pocket-sized insect guide for East Africa. With color photos and identification key per type.

    € 8,67
    Symbiosen in unseren Wiesen, Wäldern und Mooren

    Symbiosen in unseren Wiesen, Wäldern und Mooren

    45 Tipps dienen dazu, positive Beziehungen in Wiese und Wald zu finden und zu beobachten.

    € 43,95
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