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    Products tagged with animals



    72 Products
    The Voices of Nature

    The Voices of Nature

    Songs, barks, roars, hoots, squeals, and growls: exploring the mysteries of how animals communicate by sound

    € 31,39
    Bradt Wildlife Guide: Chinese Wildlife

    Bradt Wildlife Guide: Chinese Wildlife

    Fully updated second edition.

    € 23,68
    The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars

    The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars

    The book The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars is a natural history of cheating, from selfish genes to lying politicians.

    € 29,43
    Invisible Friends

    Invisible Friends

    Reveals the overwhelmingly beneficial role played by micro-organisms.
    A clear and engaging account of the fundamental importance of microbes to all life.
    Discover how microbes affect our decisions and behaviour.

    € 21,49
    From the Seashore to the Seafloor

    From the Seashore to the Seafloor

    An octopus expert and celebrated artist offer a deep dive to meet the enchanting inhabitants of the world’s marine ecosystems.

    € 30,-
    The Secret Perfume of Birds

    The Secret Perfume of Birds

    The untold story of a stunning discovery: not only can birds smell, but their scents may be the secret to understanding their world.

    € 26,19
    De Konijnen Monologen

    De Konijnen Monologen

    Fascinating stories and artful illustrations about the rabbit. This book is about our relationship with animals.

    € 19,95
    Waarom we van honden houden, varkens eten en koe dragen

    Waarom we van honden houden, varkens eten en koe dragen

    A challenging book that will change your view on meat and dairy forever.

    € 22,50
    A Photographic Guide to the Wildlife of Seychelles

    A Photographic Guide to the Wildlife of Seychelles

    Covers the inner and outer islands of the Seychelles archipelago, and includes photographs of over 220 species of flora and fauna, including birds, mammals, butterflies and other insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

    € 19,82
    Animal Behavior

    Animal Behavior

    Third edition 2021

    € 109,18
    Applications for Advancing Animal Ecology

    Applications for Advancing Animal Ecology

    This practical book presents readers with the principal methods used to observe animal behavior.

    € 73,50
    Dierenrechten en maatschappelijke vooruitgang

    Dierenrechten en maatschappelijke vooruitgang

    An original plea by Henry Salt (1851-1939) on animal rights that is still topical and very readable.

    € 17,90
    The Natural History of The Bahamas

    The Natural History of The Bahamas

    The Natural History of The Bahamas is an excellent guide when visiting The Bahamas or the Turks and Caicos Islands.

    € 35,31
    Madikwe Game Drive

    Madikwe Game Drive

    Madikwe Game Drive will help you make the best of your guided game drives in this region.

    € 19,96
    Measuring Abundance

    Measuring Abundance

    Measuring Abundance is a complete teaching and research reference to measuring population size and species diversity.

    € 44,25
    Dieren in ons midden

    Dieren in ons midden

    Nederland is kampioen biodiversiteitsverlies.

    € 24,90


    Discover nature’s most colourful creatures in a major new book on colour in the animal kingdom.

    € 27,62
    The Rise and Reign of the Mammals

    The Rise and Reign of the Mammals

    The story of the mammals, from their earliest development to their emergence out of the shadows to dominance of the recent history of our planet.

    € 13,70
    Stadse beestjes

    Stadse beestjes

    Maak kennis met de bijzondere dieren die de stad te bieden heeft. In deze verrassende verhalen neemt Remco Daalder je mee op zijn ontdekkingsreizen door de stad.

    € 20,-
    Secret Worlds

    Secret Worlds

    Explores the remarkable sensory systems that exist in nature, and what they are used for.

    € 25,05
    Kruger Wildlife

    Kruger Wildlife

    The perfect companion to any foray into the savannah, Kruger Wildlife includes not only beautiful photographs of a wide array of birds, mammals and reptiles, but informative text which is both extremely compact and highly comprehensive.

    € 16,21
    One of a Kind

    One of a Kind

    Fascinating endemic animals, in the spotlight for the first time.

    € 43,65
    Foundations for Advancing Animal Ecology

    Foundations for Advancing Animal Ecology

    This audacious book proposes that advancing animal ecology demands that we re-envision our basic understanding of how animals interact with their environments and with each other.

    € 73,50
    A Lifetime in Galápagos

    A Lifetime in Galápagos

    A beautifully illustrated and personal chronicle of life on these spectacular islands.

    € 41,85
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