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    Products tagged with Fische



    53 Products
    Cahier d'identification des Poissons d'eau douce de France

    Cahier d'identification des Poissons d'eau douce de France

    Cet ouvrage s’adresse à tous les naturalistes, les pêcheurs, les professionnels de la gestion des lacs et des cours d’eau, les pisciculteurs, etc.

    € 28,44
    Biology, Ecology and Culture of Grey Mullets (Mugilidae)

    Biology, Ecology and Culture of Grey Mullets (Mugilidae)

    This book provides a long overdue update on the biology and ecology of mullets and features comprehensive coverage of the key features of the Mugilidae family, such as recent DNA evidence and morphological data that challenge the traditional taxonomy.

    € 69,06
    Fishes of the Okavango Delta & Chobe River, Botswana

    Fishes of the Okavango Delta & Chobe River, Botswana

    Fishes of the Okavango Delta & Chobe River, Botswana is the only field guide dedicated to this region!

    € 9,24
    The Biology of Sole

    The Biology of Sole

    This book reviews up-to-date knowledge on the biology of sole (Solea senegalensis and S. solea).

    € 69,06
    Biology and Ecology of Anguillid Eels

    Biology and Ecology of Anguillid Eels

    This book provides a long overdue update on the biology and ecology of anguillid eels and features comprehensive coverage of the key features of the genus Anguilla.

    € 69,06
    Migration Ecology of Marine Fishes

    Migration Ecology of Marine Fishes

    A revelatory look at the secrets of marine fish migration.

    € 103,95
    Inshore Fishes of Britain and Ireland

    Inshore Fishes of Britain and Ireland

    A beautifully illustrated photographic identification guide to the common marine fish found around Britain and Ireland—ideal for divers, snorkellers, and natural history enthusiasts.

    € 27,46
    Biology and Ecology of Pike

    Biology and Ecology of Pike

    This book sets out to bridge the order scales among pike researchers, populations, communities, management, and fisheries.

    € 69,06
    Eye of the Shoal

    Eye of the Shoal

    Eye of the Shoal will inspire readers to think again about fish and the seas they inhabit, and to go out and appreciate the wonders of marine life.

    € 11,49
    A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes of Bermuda, Bahamas, and the Caribbean Sea

    A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes of Bermuda, Bahamas, and the Caribbean Sea

    The most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated guide to the coastal fishes of Bermuda, Bahamas, and the Caribbean Sea.

    € 31,88
    Biology and Ecology of Carp

    Biology and Ecology of Carp

    Informative and engaging contributions from renowned experts review the current state of research on carp and present their original findings.

    € 92,08
    Biology and Ecology of Groupers

    Biology and Ecology of Groupers

    Biology and Ecology of Groupers is an up-to-date review of the main bio-ecological topics involving worldwide groupers species oriented to the academic community and managers.

    € 191,88
    Freshwater Fishes of the Eastern Himalayas

    Freshwater Fishes of the Eastern Himalayas

    All the available taxa of the region are covered, making this an essential reference that provides the original description of genera and species.

    € 138,08


    A thorough look at about 5,000 preserved specimens of this bizarre creature.

    € 129,-


    Deze biografie beschrijft de geschiedenis van deze geliefde vissoort.

    € 22,99
    Die Süßwasserfische Mitteleuropas

    Die Süßwasserfische Mitteleuropas

    Die Süßwasserfische Mitteleuropas - Merkmale, Verbreitung und Lebensweise der Häufigsten Arten.

    € 19,95
    Was lebt im Mittelmeer?

    Was lebt im Mittelmeer?

    Der aktuelle Unterwasserführer: Fische, Wirbellose, Pflanzen mit über 400 Arten.

    € 29,35
    What a Fish Knows

    What a Fish Knows

    What a fish knows explores fish cognition, emotion, and behaviour, and challenging common misconceptions about their intelligence.

    € 12,45
    Hagfish Biology

    Hagfish Biology

    Hagfish Biology is a long overdue book for communicating and furthering study on these unique animals, existing over 500 million years.

    € 75,20
    Evolution, Development and Ecology of Anemonefishes

    Evolution, Development and Ecology of Anemonefishes

    This multi-authored book covers all areas and provides an update on the research done with this model and the perspective it opens for the future.

    € 168,85
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