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    Products tagged with planten



    307 Products
    NHBS Quadrat

    NHBS Quadrat

    Quadrats provide a simple but effective scientific method for the ecological surveying of vegetation or invertebrates in a wide range of habitats.

    € 24,54
    Stadsflora van de Lage Landen

    Stadsflora van de Lage Landen

    De Stadsflora van de Lage Landen brengt meer dan 800wilde planten van Nederlandse en Vlaamse steden in beeld.

    € 19,99
    Identification Card flowering tree and shrub

    Identification Card flowering tree and shrub

    Learn to recognize trees, such as oak, birch, beech, willow, by their flowers with this recognition card.

    € 2,99
    Flora of Madeira

    Flora of Madeira

    Flora of Madeira is the first book to describe fully all of the vascular plants of the Madeiran and Salvage Islands.

    € 107,49


    Linder van den Heerik gidst je met dit boek door de principes van permacultuur.

    € 30,-
    Ontdek de Orchideeën van het Gerendal

    Ontdek de Orchideeën van het Gerendal

    In deze gids wordt in kort bestel de Orchideeën van het Gerendal besproken.

    € 8,50
    Ontdek Winterkenmerken van bomen, struiken, bamboes, houtige klimplanten en houtige kruipplanten

    Ontdek Winterkenmerken van bomen, struiken, bamboes, houtige klimplanten en houtige kruipplanten

    Leer in dit boek allerlei kenmerken kennen, zoals bladeren, bloemen, takkleur, stamstuctuur, boomvorm, bes, doorn enz. en geef via die kenmerken de boom of struik zijn naam.

    € 32,50
    Flora Gallica - Flore de France

    Flora Gallica - Flore de France

    Flora Gallica - Flore de France is the big flora guideof France including Corsica in which more than 5,000 species are treated.

    € 89,-
    A Guide to Dendrobium of Australia

    A Guide to Dendrobium of Australia

    All Australian species and their variants (around 80) are included.

    € 16,95
    Stinzenplanten in Fryslân

    Stinzenplanten in Fryslân

    ‘Stinzenplanten in Fryslân’ is een rijk geïllustreerd boek over stinzenplanten, de verwilderende voorjaarsbloeiers in het historisch groen.

    € 22,90
    Die Blüte

    Die Blüte

    Das Besondere des Buchs ist der umfassende Ansatz: Die Blüte wird in allen ihren Aspekten vorgestellt

    € 49,60
    Moss - Discover. Gather. Grow

    Moss - Discover. Gather. Grow

    Moss, this book is a celebration of its quiet, unassuming beauty and a primer to understanding the secrets of the world's most ancient plant

    € 18,69
    Basisgids Bomen en struiken

    Basisgids Bomen en struiken

    De Basisgids Bomen en struiken maakt het makkelijk om bomen en struiken in Nederland te herkennen.

    € 27,95
    Bamboo: The Amazing Grass

    Bamboo: The Amazing Grass

    Bamboo: The Amazing Grass - A Guide to the Diversity and Study of Bamboos in Southeast Asia

    € 17,75
    Basisgids Stinzenplanten

    Basisgids Stinzenplanten

    De Basisgids Stinzenplanten brengt alle in Nederland bekende stinzenplanten voor het eerst bijeen in een gids gericht op herkenning in het veld.

    € 27,95
    Plants of the World

    Plants of the World

    Plants of the World is the only guide that covers every vascular plant family in the world. An incredible achievement.

    € 84,05
    Botanical Gardens of the World

    Botanical Gardens of the World

    Discover the lavish beauty and fascinating history of the 40 most important and inspiring botanic gardens from across the globe.

    € 37,42
    Gathering Moss

    Gathering Moss

    Gathering Moss is a beautiful mix of science and personal reflection that invites readers to explore and learn from the elegantly simple lives of mosses.

    € 13,70
    Ferns for a Cool Temperature Climate

    Ferns for a Cool Temperature Climate

    An authoritative and highly illustrated A to Z section, listing over 500 different taxa, further helps with identification and selecting the ideal fern for any cool temperate garden.

    € 31,18


    A book for anyone who wants to get started with the principles of permaculture and food forestry. Includes a separate supplement with 250 species of edible perennials.

    € 29,95
    The Genus Agapanthus

    The Genus Agapanthus

    The book 'Genus Agapanthus' is a unique combination of science, horticulture, botanical art and photography, presented in an easily accessible format.

    € 81,71
    Wildlife of Ecuador

    Wildlife of Ecuador

    With this handy and accessible guide, visitors now have everything they need to identify and enjoy the majority of birds and animals they are likely to see.

    € 29,50
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