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    Products tagged with plants



    296 Products
    Hybrid Flora of the British Isles

    Hybrid Flora of the British Isles

    Hybrid Flora of the British Isles provides detailed accounts of the 909 hybrids reliably recorded in the wild in the British Isles.

    € 66,10
    Het vernuft van planten

    Het vernuft van planten

    In dit rijk geïllustreerde boek grabbelt Marcel De Cleene in de ‘wonderton’ van het plantenrijk.

    € 22,50
    Kew Pocketbooks: Carnivorous Plants

    Kew Pocketbooks: Carnivorous Plants

    A snapshot into the beautiful but deadly world of carnivorous plants, illustrated with 40 botanical paintings from the Kew archives.

    € 12,24


    Fynbos features over 300 of the most spectacular and commonly seen species from South Africa’s renowned floral kingdom.

    € 11,55
    Die wildwachsenden und kultivierten Laub- und Nadelgehölze Mitteleuropas

    Die wildwachsenden und kultivierten Laub- und Nadelgehölze Mitteleuropas

    Die 70 häufigsten Arten entdecken, bestimmen und verstehen

    € 39,95
    Flora of the Cayman Islands

    Flora of the Cayman Islands

    While still being a classic flora, 250 line illustrations and over 400 colour photographs illustrate the majority of species most likely to be encountered.

    € 116,73
    Orchids of Vanuatu

    Orchids of Vanuatu

    The first comprehensive account of the 158 orchid species of Vanuatu.

    € 58,11
    The Genus Jasminum in Cultivation

    The Genus Jasminum in Cultivation

    This highly illustrated guidebook details every species of jasmine that is cultivated in gardens, as well as the genus’s habitat and distribution in the wild and its propagation.

    € 70,04
    A Guide to Dendrobium of Borneo

    A Guide to Dendrobium of Borneo

    Eighty-three species, representing a selection from each of the 15 sections, are described and figured in A Guide to Dendrobium of Borneo.

    € 15,95
    Violas of Britain and Ireland

    Violas of Britain and Ireland

    Violas of Britain and Ireland includes 15 species (10 violets; 5 pansies) and 11 hybrids (8 violets; 3 pansies).

    € 22,93
    Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland

    Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland

    Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland, can also easily be used in the western part of the European mainland.

    € 26,31
    Fitschen Gehölzflora

    Fitschen Gehölzflora

    Fitschen Gehölzflora, herausgegeven von Peter A. Schmidt & Bernd Schulze. 13., vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage.

    € 39,95
    Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers

    Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers

    Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers provides a unique source of permanent reference for all involved in the recognition, biology and control of the pests of ornamental crops.

    € 79,80
    The Natural History of The Bahamas

    The Natural History of The Bahamas

    The Natural History of The Bahamas is an excellent guide when visiting The Bahamas or the Turks and Caicos Islands.

    € 35,31
    Planting for Pollinators

    Planting for Pollinators

    Planting for Pollinators is an easy-to-use gardening guide to help you encourage different types of insect pollinators into your garden.

    € 17,76
    Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics of Europe

    Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics of Europe

    Comprehensive work on the vegetation history of Europe.

    € 120,-
    Distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline

    Distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline

    It serves as a valuable working aid for the assessment of the environmental status and its changes on the basis of the occurring macrophytes.

    € 103,14
    Guide to Plant Families of Southern Africa

    Guide to Plant Families of Southern Africa

    Guide to Plant Families of Southern Africa aims to introduce readers to the beauty and diversity of our fascinating flora, and to enable scholars, students, amateurs and professionals alike to identify plants to family level.

    € 53,22
    Taxonomic Revision of the genus Zyrphelis in South Africa

    Taxonomic Revision of the genus Zyrphelis in South Africa

    This book presents a taxonomic account of the endemic genus Zyrphelis in South Africa, a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.

    € 87,50
    Grönland – Ein Kleiner Pflanzenführer

    Grönland – Ein Kleiner Pflanzenführer

    Die bunte Pflanzenwelt Grönlands! Die Arten der Tundra werden von den Verfassern vorgestellt, die Ökologie der Vegetation wird entlang eines Reisetagebuches von der westgrönländischen Küste kurzweilig erläutert.

    € 24,-
    Red List of the endemic and range-restricted vascular plants of Burundi

    Red List of the endemic and range-restricted vascular plants of Burundi

    Dit boek geeft een risicobeoordeling voor de 130 vaatplanten met een beperkte verspreiding. Gebaseerd op de normen opgelegd door IUCN, wordt elke soort toegewezen aan een Rode Lijst-categorie.

    € 26,94
    Lens Cloth Plants

    Lens Cloth Plants

    With this original Lens Cloth Plants you can clean your binoculars, glasses or telescope.

    € 3,50
    Myriophyllum heterophyllum eDNA qPCR Detection Kit

    Myriophyllum heterophyllum eDNA qPCR Detection Kit

    Twoleaf watermilfoil

    € 277,09
    A la recherche des Orchidées de Madagascar

    A la recherche des Orchidées de Madagascar

    Ce livre présente plus de 370 espèces d’orchidées de Madagascar, inventoriées au cours d’expéditions organisées depuis 20 ans par la Société Française d’Orchidophilie.

    € 65,-
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