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    Products tagged with gids



    334 Products
    De Nederlandse Regenwormen

    De Nederlandse Regenwormen

    Alle 30 in Nederland voorkomende of verwachte soorten, die voor een groot deel goed in het veld op naam te brengen zijn. 2e herziene druk.

    $ 8.68
    Zelf eetbare paddenstoelen kweken

    Zelf eetbare paddenstoelen kweken

    Leer zelf eetbare paddenstoelen kweken op bijvoorbeeld boomstammetjes, houtsubstraat, stro en koffiedik.

    $ 32.51
    Finding Birds in Corsica

    Finding Birds in Corsica

    Finding Birds in Corsica provides the most useful maps - so you can easily find your way to the best bits of wetland, mountain or woodland.

    $ 12.97
    Wild Cats of the World

    Wild Cats of the World

    Wild Cats of the World is a beautiful title to all 38 of these wild carnivores provided with stunning photography.

    $ 28.27
    Eetbare paddenstoelen

    Eetbare paddenstoelen

    Een handige basisgids voor iedereen die meer over eetbare paddenstoelen en (giftige) dubbelgangers wil weten.

    $ 31.43
    Beknopte Mosflora van Nederland en België

    Beknopte Mosflora van Nederland en België

    Reissue of the 2006 edition.

    $ 57.48
    Cicadas of southern Africa

    Cicadas of southern Africa

    This guide describes the diversity of cicadas, which are well known for their shrill song on hot summer days, but which are so skilfully concealed, that they are often only seen when disturbed, or after a careful and surreptitious search.

    $ 73.08
    An Identification Guide to Garden Insects of Britain and North-West Europe

    An Identification Guide to Garden Insects of Britain and North-West Europe

    An introductory photographic identification guide to 150 species of garden insect commonly found in Britain and North-West Europe.

    $ 15.21


    A unique guide to a relatively unknown group of fungi.

    $ 27.14
    Minigids Stoepplantjes

    Minigids Stoepplantjes

    Minigids Stoepplantjes 50 stoepplantjes herkennen | 52 soorten in een oogopslag

    $ 8.63
    Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean

    Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean

    Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean is a wonderful guide with more than 500 flowers, plants, trees, grasses and ferns that can be found in the Mediterranean area.

    $ 21.52
    Common Spiders & Other Arachnids of The Gambia, West Africa

    Common Spiders & Other Arachnids of The Gambia, West Africa

    Common Spiders & Other Arachnids of The Gambia, West Africa describes the poorly known arachnida in this region.

    $ 20.90
    Timber Trees of Suriname

    Timber Trees of Suriname

    This guide focuses on the identification of Surinamese trees, based on field, vegetative, floristic and wood characteristics.

    $ 40.71
    Safarigids Zuidelijk Afrika

    Safarigids Zuidelijk Afrika

    Uw reisvoorbereidingen worden vergemakkelijkt door de beschrijvingen en kaarten van de belangrijkste nationale parken van Botswana, Namibië en Zuid-Afrika.

    $ 37.94
    Sweden Birds

    Sweden Birds

    A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species of Sweden.

    $ 8.46
    Minigids (wilde) dieren in de tuin

    Minigids (wilde) dieren in de tuin

    Leer 150 dieren herkennen en je tuin diervriendelijk inrichten, inclusief 140 plantentips.

    $ 8.63
    A Comprehensive Guide to Insects of Britain & Ireland

    A Comprehensive Guide to Insects of Britain & Ireland

    Revised & expanded edition from 2019.

    $ 39.74
    Compactgids Bomen

    Compactgids Bomen

    In the Compact guide Trees are beautiful, lifelike drawings of more than 150 species. Interesting information about characteristics, distribution and habitat.

    $ 10.84
    Hiking on Saba

    Hiking on Saba

    In Hiking on Saba you can find the Saba trail system that presents a complex mix of ecological and historical themes that will provide hikers a truly unforgettable experience.

    $ 23.34
    Wildlife of Ecuador

    Wildlife of Ecuador

    With this handy and accessible guide, visitors now have everything they need to identify and enjoy the majority of birds and animals they are likely to see.

    $ 32.02
    The Genus Agaricus in Britain

    The Genus Agaricus in Britain

    The Genus Agaricus in Britain describes all of the known British species and provides easy to use synopitic / pictorial keys to the species and includes over 50 photographs illustrating the majority of the British species.

    $ 24.58
    The Guests of Ants

    The Guests of Ants

    A fascinating examination of socially parasitic invaders, from butterflies to bacteria, that survive and thrive by exploiting the communication systems of ant colonies.

    $ 85.07
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