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    Products tagged with Pflanzen



    188 Products
    Guide to Plant Families of Southern Africa

    Guide to Plant Families of Southern Africa

    Guide to Plant Families of Southern Africa aims to introduce readers to the beauty and diversity of our fascinating flora, and to enable scholars, students, amateurs and professionals alike to identify plants to family level.

    € 53,22
    Taxonomic Revision of the genus Zyrphelis in South Africa

    Taxonomic Revision of the genus Zyrphelis in South Africa

    This book presents a taxonomic account of the endemic genus Zyrphelis in South Africa, a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.

    € 87,50
    The Botany of Beer

    The Botany of Beer

    This book is a comprehensive and beautifully illustrated compendium of the characteristics and properties of the plants used in making beer around the world.

    € 35,-
    Ackerpflanzen und Feldfrüchte

    Ackerpflanzen und Feldfrüchte

    Anyone who owns Ackerpflanzen und Feldfrüchte will from now on belong to the group of people who no longer have to ask themselves when wandering through fields what, where and for what purpose a crop is being grown, harvested or simply left standing.

    € 29,95
    Flore Forestière Française, Tome 3: Méditerranéenne

    Flore Forestière Française, Tome 3: Méditerranéenne

    Elle présente 845 espèces des forêts et des milieux associés de la région méditerranéenne. Par ailleurs, pour chaque espèce, le nom provençal, languedocien, catalan ou corse est donné.

    € 84,95
    Flore Forestière Française, Tome 1: Plaines et Collines

    Flore Forestière Française, Tome 1: Plaines et Collines

    Cette nouvelle édition revue et augmentée de 672 pages et de 551 nouvelles espèces englobe les données les plus récentes.

    € 84,95
    Gingers of Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam

    Gingers of Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam

    The first guide showcasing the beauty and diversity of this economically and ecologically important plant family in these countries.

    € 21,49
    Atlas of British and Irish Brambles

    Atlas of British and Irish Brambles

    A phytogeographical analysis of microspecies of Rubus sect. Rubus & sect. Corylifolii.

    € 19,56
    Heilende Kräuter für Tiere

    Heilende Kräuter für Tiere

    Der bewährte Hausmittelschatz für alle Tierhalter – bereits in 3. Auflage.

    € 27,95
    Farne, Schachtelhalme und Bärlappe

    Farne, Schachtelhalme und Bärlappe

    Farne, Schachtelhalme und Bärlappe: Der Naturführer zu den Farnpflanzen Mitteleuropas.

    € 38,95
    Flora of the Cayman Islands

    Flora of the Cayman Islands

    While still being a classic flora, 250 line illustrations and over 400 colour photographs illustrate the majority of species most likely to be encountered.

    € 116,73
    Field Guide to the Rattans of Africa

    Field Guide to the Rattans of Africa

    Identification guide to all 22 species found in Africa.

    € 58,37
    Coffee Atlas of Ethiopia

    Coffee Atlas of Ethiopia

    The Coffee Atlas of Ethiopia maps the coffee landscape of Ethiopia, showing where coffee is (and could be) farmed, and the location of wild Arabica coffee forests.

    € 47,67
    Arctic Plants of Svalbard

    Arctic Plants of Svalbard

    This book introduces representative arctic plants and their function in Svalbard, revealing the unique tundra ecosystem, and discussing the direct and indirect effects of climate change in the Arctic.

    € 40,46
    A Handbook of the Yemen Flora

    A Handbook of the Yemen Flora

    A Handbook of the Yemen Flora is the first full account of the 1750 flowering plants and ferns found in the Yemen Arab Republic.

    € 151,75
    Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina

    Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina

    Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina examines all known Nepenthes of this exciting region.

    € 18,84
    Strelitzias of the World

    Strelitzias of the World

    Strelitzias of the World is an interesting botanical history of the entire plant family containing 8 species.

    € 32,43


    Farne von feingliedrig bis baumhoch: die ganze Vielfalt der wunderbaren Garten- und Zimmerpflanzen in einem Buch.

    € 39,90
    Orchideenführer - Murnauer Moos

    Orchideenführer - Murnauer Moos

    In diesem praktischen Naturführer werden von den Autoren die 39 verschiedenen Orchideenarten vorgestellt, die im Murnauer Moos nachgewiesen wurden.

    € 9,95
    An Illustrated guide to Medicinal Plants of East Africa

    An Illustrated guide to Medicinal Plants of East Africa

    An Illustrated Guide to Medicinal Plants of East Africa is the first photographically illustrated guide to showcase the most important healing plants of the region. The book describes 136 plant species in everyday use in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

    € 23,11
    Guide illustré de la Flore de Vanoise

    Guide illustré de la Flore de Vanoise

    Le compagnon indispensable pour toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent découvrir la flore de Vanoise et pour tout promeneur amoureux de la montagne.

    € 20,-
    Saunders' Field Guide to Gladioli of South Africa

    Saunders' Field Guide to Gladioli of South Africa

    Saunders' Field Guide to Gladioli of South Africa is the first of its kind to offer a complete photographic record of the 166 species that occur in the region.

    € 24,27
    Flore Forestière Française, Tome 2: Montagnes

    Flore Forestière Française, Tome 2: Montagnes

    Les espèces sont décrites et dessinées dans les moindres détails (869 espèces font l’objet d’une fiche descriptive complète).

    € 84,95
    Morning Glories of Thailand and Southeast Asia

    Morning Glories of Thailand and Southeast Asia

    This book combines knowledge about Convolvulaceae from three people who specialize in botany and horticulture.

    € 61,75
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